Friday, November 30, 2007

House Remodeling

We decided that we would rip all of the wall board down in our living room and put up sheet rock. It has been a messy project as all remodels are, but we are making good progress. Last night Kirk came over and helped Clay run wire to put up Sconce lighting, and then we got 4 sheet up, and tonight we hope to have all the sheet rock up, and then this weekend we can work on mudding, and then paint, and then it should be back in order again. I took a couple of pictures of Chance helping Clay out last night, he was a great helper, with this own tool belt, and chalk line, and tools.

On Wednesday night while we were ripping out all of the wall board, Clay asked Chance if he would like to help take all the scrap pieces outside, Chance told Clay that he couldn't help cuz he was having lunch with his girl friend, and it would be a couple of hours before he would be back to work.
About 30 minutes after the lunch talk, Chance and Kaylie were playing in the chair, and Chance says to Kay "So tell me about yourself" It was the funniest thing to listen to them play. I need to start a book to keep all of their funny saying.