Sunday, November 18, 2007

Deer Hunting!!

Another year of Deer Hunting in the books. Janet and I went out last weekend, and then Friday and Saturday of this weekend. We were lucky enough to see something every day that we went out, but didn't shoot anything. We had a blast, just the two of us out there, and to boot 2 girls. We had our giggle times, and our sleepy times, and of course the serious times as well. Saturday about sundown we did see a buck that was worth shooting, but it was already to dark to even try to get a shot, so we went back after him Sunday morning, and didn't see him at all!!! The way I look at it is, we might not have shot at anything, but we sure did have a good time, and sometimes that is all that matters.
So this slide show might look a little different than most slide shows, but we decided to take pictures of the things we were seeing, so for some it might seem pointless, to us we were making memories!!! I hope you all enjoy a little laugh!


Nick and Janet said...

Those sure were some fun times we had!