Monday, October 20, 2008

This is Science!

Chance came home the other night and wanted to do a science experiment! But here is how he told me!!"Mom you need to put milk on a plate and then you need to get food coloring and put in the milk, and then take this Q-tip and stir it around" Well my first thought was, there is no way you are going to put milk on a plate and then put food coloring in the milk and stir it around!! So I let him explain a little bit more and decided we would try to do it! And to my wondering eyes, it was really cool! So here is what we did, We did put milk on the paper plate, and then put one drop of food coloring in the milk, and then took the Q-Tip and put dish soap on it and touched different parts of the plate where the milk was!! That is the part Chance was leaving out, and the reaction of the soap and milk made the food coloring kind of explode with color! But after we were done IT was fun and that Steve Spangler is one creative guy!! If you ever need a science experiment idea go to great ideas on there!!