Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A Busy Day!!

Then to top the whole day off, Chance played in his last soccer game last night. HE WAS SO TIRED!!! That was a busy day for him. He ended up getting kicked in the foot, and as he puts it " it hurts really bad mom" But he did finish the game, not that he had much of a choice, there was no subs last night. He said he had a hard time kicking the ball because his foot hurt!! Now that soccer is over, we wait to play T-Ball as soon as school is over!!

So after we picked up Chance from school we had 3 hours to kill because we had a make up soccer game last night as well. So we went to the park. Both kids got alot of good hard play time, as well as met some new friends..Heidi Anderson took some pictures of the kids while we were there..If you want to see the pictures go to heidiandersonphotography.blogspot.com!

Yesterday was Kindergarten Visitation Day!! Chance had a blast..They got to plant seeds, and color, and read a book. The kids went to school the whole day!! Kaylie was a little lost with out her brother at home, but when she sat down to watch Dora, she said "Good brother can't change the channel on me" But by 2:30 She was ready to go and get him.