Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend!!

Fun Fishing!!!

Chance with another fish
My Goofy Sister
Kaylie catching fish
The Crawdad Dad caught that later scared the crap out of mom!!!

Chance catching fish

Yes it did snow on Saturday morning!!! I went with dad to check water, cuz they are flooding over there.

On our way to mom and dads on Friday, we stopped by to see the #20 Tony Stewart car..

Storm Pictures

Monday, May 19, 2008

Projects around the house

Last week while Clays mom and dad were here, we tore into the kids bathroom and redid the theme. Instead of fish, now it is a farm seen. To see the pictures better just click on them and blow them up!!!

This is a new dresser for Kaylies room. It used to be a dark cherry color, and I stripped all the stain off of it, and restained it light!! Big difference.

Fishing at Rock Creek

On Saturday it was free fishing and free enterince to state parks in Nebraska, so the kids and I loaded up their poles and went to Rock Creek to do some fishing. We didn't catch anything, but they had fun any way!! It would have been better if the wind wasn't blowing 100 miles an hour.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Preschool Graduation

Monday night Chance graduated from Preschool. They had a spring program and then the graduating kids got to walk in with hats and receive their diploma from the teachers. As you can tell my camera doesn't like the lighting in the church but Janet got better pictures and will hopefully e-mail those to me and I will include them on here too.

Kaylie getting ready to sing at the spring program Monday night.

We are so proud of you Chance and look forward to a great year of kindergarten next year!!! Kaylie way to go on finishing your first year of preschool. Just wait until next year, 2 days Yippee!!!

Mothers Day

The geese that were out on the lake, had their babies swimming with them..I hope you can see them in the pictures!!

Kaylie being silly

Getting the pole ready

Chance really wanted to go fishing, so on Mothers Day we took him Champion so he could have a chance to use his rocket fishing pole. He didn't catch anything, but he had fun.

Big difference in the last from a year ago!!