Monday, February 23, 2009

Valentines Day Tea Party

The Valentines Day Tea Party was suppose to be on Friday the 13th, but it snowed and school was canceled and they had to postpone it Tuesday the 17th. The kids were SOOO CUTE. Mrs. Cupp got them all flowers to wear for the party and they were all dresses up! They had muffins and mints, and chocolate covered strawberries for breakfast, along with tea! Dr. "C" came in earlier in the week to teach them all proper edict, so during the Tea Party all the boys had to treat the girls properly! It was cute to watch all of them push the girls up to the table! I guess in our busy lives we live we sometimes forget proper edict, so it was good to see them learn and use it at a young age! Hopefully that will carry over as they all get older!