Monday, July 28, 2008

Wray Daze

On Friday we took the kids to meet auntie and they went to Wray and had fun at the game night, while Clay and I went to Holyoke for the races which got rained out!! Then on Saturday I went to Wray for the parade and Clay came down later and we to the pool with us!!! It was a great weekend! Thanks Auntie and Uncle Nick for keeping the kids Friday night and a great time Saturday!!
Auntie, Chance and Kaylie waiting for the parade to start!
Nick and the rookie firemen!! YES WE GOT WET!!!

Water Fights
Cute colt
This baby was so cute
Uncle Nick and Chance have a game of Wii Baseball

I think Nick won this game!!
Getting ready to swim
Even Clay went with us!!!
Kaylie splashing in the water
Chance spends alot of time going down the slid now!! He loves it!!
The end to a fun Day in Wray!!