Friday, February 15, 2008

I have fallen behind!!

It has been 15 days since I last posted anything on the blog. Wow!!! But there really hasn't been anything exciting going on here. Last weekend we went to North Platte, and got a shed finally. So now we can stuff it full of all of junk inside..No actually it will be nice for Clay to go out there and work on projects, and it will also be nice to have all of the tools out of the house. This last week didn't start off so well. On our way home from NP Chance started having a tooth ache, and we ended up at the dentist office Monday afternoon, he had to have a tooth pulled. He was a trooper, that is pretty tramatizing for a little one. But he is doing good now. Wednesday Kaylie has her Valentines party at school. She has such a good time at school, she loves to play with her friends, and loves her teacher Carrie. Yesterday was Chances party, as always he had a blast.

We hope everyone had a great day!! We sure did..Clay took us out to eat in Holyoke for a nice dinner. The kids have a couple of days off from school, today and Monday, for Winter break. Kaylie is more upset because she didn't get to go to school. I hope she continues with that attitude for the next 12 years!!! As you can tell, we have been pretty low key the last couple of weeks, and nothing really to report on!!! Have a wonderful weekend!!!