Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Round 2!!!

Merry Christmas to all!!! We hope everyone had a very nice Christmas. We sure did..Santa was very good to all of us. Clays mom and dad were here at our house this year, and Friday we will leave to go to mom and dad's for round 2! We will get alot of snow time over there.

As always the hussel and bussle of the holidays are sometimes crazy, but after it is all said and done you can sit back and relax. With all the good food, and good times, we await for what the New Year will bring.

I have been sitting here reflecting on what events happened in 2007. Some of the most that have stuck with Chance are: To start the year off, we had a bad snow storm, and we were stuck at home for a few days. February was pretty quiet, as well as March, Chance turned 5 so that was exciting. April nothing to write home about.. The craziness of living a farming life I guess, as everyone around here gets ready to plant. Oh yeah and Janet and Nick set the date for their wedding. May, I am always excited for May, the grass is getting green the flowers are blooming, and summer is on its way. And SCHOOL IS OUT!!! My cousin Megan graduated from High school, and then we spent the weekend at mom and dad's. JUNE oh what a June. We flooded. The whole Chase County was under water. After 14 inches of rain in about 12 hours, it was WET!! The lake was overflowing and it was something to see. I have never seen it rain so hard in my life...We managed to dodge the tornado that was 3/4 of mile away. I was famous for a hour too. I had sent in some pictures to 9NEWS, and they put them on t.v. and pronounced our name right. It took awhile for all the water to subside, actually there was still water sitting in low spots a couple of months ago. July, HOT HOT HOT. We made alot of trips to Denver helping Janet get things together for the wedding. We made the trip to Cody WY, for a celebration for Clays dad, as most of you may not know he was diagnosed with bone cancer in his legs, and spent from February until late April in Arizona at the mayo clinic. So we went to Cody for a party. And he is getting around so well now. And cancer free Yea!!!! OH YEAH how can I forget I turned 30 the end of July!!! I am still waiting for my party!!! HINT HINT Then August. August 4Th my sissy and nick got married. What a relief when that was over. Chase county fair was the middle of the month, Chance got to muttin bust this year, and low-n-behold WON!!!YIPPEE he got a trophy that is taller than he is. He also got to peddle tractor pull again. AND WON that as well. September started a new school year, both kids are in preschool this year, Kay would go everyday if I let her. October was a good month to just relax, if there is such a thing. Chance was Davey Jones and Kaylie was Cinderella for Halloween. November was good. Janet and Nick cooked their first family Thanksgiving, mom and dad came out for the holiday, and there was a lot of good food as always. That weekend we were able to get in some bird hunting. Dad got 2 birds, so we did have some luck. And at last there is December. Busy month for everyone. We started off the month in a snow storm, and remodeled our living room. Then made our annual Christmas shopping trip with Janet and Nick. Oh how can I forget the Christmas programs. Kaylie was in her first Christmas program this year...And what a doll she was. And then she also got to be in Chances program because his class is small and they needed a donkey. Of course she stole the show. Both of them did a very good job performing. Christmas rolled around, and that takes us to where we are now. Santa brought Chance a battery powered Rhino, and Kaylie got Butterscotch, a FurReal Pony.

As we get ready to close out 2007, we hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy and Safe New Year. As for 2008 hold on to your shorts it's going to be a wild one....
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from The Lotspeich Gang