Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Chance and his funny saying

Yesterday at when I went to pickup Chance from school, Carrie told me a funny story about what Chance had said.
While they were playing with play dough, one of the little boys got one of the play dough toys stuck in the end of an ice cream scoop, Deb was trying to get it out, and told Carrie that she couldn't get it out because it had notches on it. Another little girl asked Deb what notches were, and out of the blue, Chance says "You know they are like Taco's". Carrie said she was laughing to hard she about had to leave the room.

The things that kids think of and say are amazing. So he might not of heard the whole story at the time, but to him it sounded like Deb was saying Nachos, and he just thought he would help the little girl out!!!HEHE


Nick and Janet said...

I can totally see Chance saying that. What a funny kid! lol

Lisa Compton said...

Just taking a moment to catch up on your lives. Sounds busy! Have a good weekend and I'll talk to ya soon.