Sunday, June 22, 2008

Swimming Pool Fun

We finally have the pool set up for the kids!! Even though it hasnt been all that warm, they still enjoy it!


The kids went to Vacation Bible School this last week. IT was a long week, but I think it payed off. The theme was Rain Forest Adventures, and Friday they got to have a water fight!

We Dodged Another One!!!

This storm blew in at 3:30 in the morning. The Lamar area, about 8 miles north of us, suffered the most damage. Even though national weather service didn't report a tornado,use your own judgement, but I think it was a tornado. There was over turned sprinklers, power poles sheered off, and the Archy and Mera's house. There was tree limbs every where.
This is the lighting that started the whole thing


Chance has had a wonderful time playing T-Ball this summer. But all good things must come to an end!! Friday will be the last T-Ball game for the summer!! He has made some great plays, and come along ways from the first day!! He has also made some great friends. These are the only pictures I have from the season, but they are good ones!!!
Playing Second Base
Warming up to Bat

Base Hit
On Base

Friday, June 6, 2008

More Storm Pictures

The sky was so black in these pictures. But yesterday we didn't have any bad weather. It didn't even start to rain until about 7:00 lastnight, and today the sun is shining, and the wind is blowing!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Weathering the Weather

June 4th Storm

This is what started the whole thing...BAD BAD CLOUD!!

Durning the storm!!

These clouds were after the first round. Building for the next round!!

Water Water Every Where...Almost a replay of last year!!

This wheat is done!!
Hail in Champion! Most of it was golf ball to tennis ball size!!!